INTERHOLCO Protecting the gorilla forest in the Republic of Congo
19.06.2019. Anyone who has ever visited Cologne Zoo knows them: the western lowland gorillas, the highlight of every zoo visit. But not everyone knows where these imposing and peaceful animals live. Most occur in the impenetrable forests located in the North of the Republic of Congo. In his film ‘Congo: Protecting the Gorillas’ forest,’ filmmaker Thomas Weidenbach shows how forestry and species conservation can go hand in hand and how little the situation in the heart of Africa has to do with our ideas in Europe.

#Sustainable #Hardwood #MadeinAfrica protects the forest

13.05.2019. Forests worldwide are a public good and forestry students often wonder how far private timber companies are prepared to go, to preserve and maintain natural forests. Mr. Ulrich Grauert, INTERHOLCO’s CEO, showed students worldwide how INTERHOLCO walks the talk, during a webinar hosted by the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) on 16 April 2019.

Introducing our contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

26.03.2019. Companies do play a critical role in helping achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and INTERHOLCO is no exception. In 2015, the United Nations introduced 17 Sustainable Development Goals. For the first time, governments agreed that the challenges international society faces, including those related to poverty, hunger, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, peace and justice were interconnected and that each sector had a contribution to make.

IFO's women employees, standing on their own two feet

08.03.2019. Decision-makers, professionally engaged, devoted to their family: women working for IFO celebrate International Women’s Day with a half-day of paid leave, in recognition of their value as committed employees and mothers.

Political, financial and economic strategies critical to fight deforestation

04.03.2019. Management of forests – especially natural tropical forests – is environmentally and socially superior, but economically inferior to any other land use which destroys the forest. In a world economy which is measuring viability almost exclusively on return on investment, this economic inferiority of managed forests is the key challenge which must be addressed and reversed.

African voices have their say on how to keep Central African Forests Forever

05.02.2019. With around 120 million people critically depending on the Congo Basin forests for their livelihood, it is baffling how the narrative on tropical forests belongs to voices from the Northern Hemisphere, mostly. With ‘Central African Forests Forever’, Dutch author Meindert Brouwer has finally bridged the gap.

Sustainable Hardwood – Made in Africa: the year in advance

17.01.2019. A change of heart is what tropical forests need. That is, if their unique biodiversity is to continue thriving; if precious services such as water cycle, rain regime and climate regulation are to be ensured for the planet and, if millions are to enjoy a peaceful life right where they live, i.e. in the natural forests of the Congo Basin - one of the world’s most precious wonders.

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