Interholco Sustainability Report 2022
'For us, a balance of social, environmental and economic values are key features of forest management in Africa.'

Interholco’s contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Safeguarding natural resources
We ensure that vital eco-systems are protected from irreversible change, for the planet and for future generations. We put under protection and conservation more than 300’000 forest hectares and the fauna and flora they harbour. Our eco-guards actively secure the forest against poaching and illegal settlement.
Read more: Environmental landscape

Protecting people’s rights
In the Republic of Congo, we work with over 1’000 employees and sustain their families and communities, amounting to over 18’500 people. We step up our work to safeguard their rights, their livelihood and their future.
Read more: Social landscape

Ensuring economic transparency
We produce ‘Made in Africa’ wood that is good for the planet and people. 87% of the wood procured is FSC certified, this includes 100% of the wood from the forest we manage. We invest more than 15 mill. EUR in wages and employee benefits, such as pension scheme and health insurance.
Read more: Economic landscape

Delivering to global standards
We follow first and foremost all national laws and regulation in the Republic of Congo. In addition, we implement leading international social, ethical and environmental standards, such as the ILO, Biodiversity Convention and Climate conventions.
Read more: Regulatory Landscape