The sustainability dimension of our work is populated with a broad range of actors, with whom we engage, partner and exchange: our employees, local people, and indigenous communities, community leaders, government representatives, NGOs, international organizations, universities, research institutes, importers, suppliers, and third-party providers, all the way to end-consumers.
They say about us
The jury’s motivation was based on the positive vision of how to secure nature in the tropical forest while at the same time providing the local people with a long-term, economic perspective.

Economic Chamber South

Agence française de développement (AFD)
Republic of Congo
In 2021, INTERHOLCO joined AFD’s approach to reconcile biodiversity conservation and socioeconomic development in Northern Congo working together with the Republic of Congo’s Ministry of Forest Economy, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), the French Agricultural Research Center for International Development (CIRAD) as well as local communities. That is the purpose of the Northern Congo Forest Landscape Project (PPFNC), which is being implemented in the Sangha and Likouala departments and the northern part of the Cuvette-Ouest department.
Throughout 2023, several meetings were held on site, including with the Congo Minister of Forest Economy Rosalie Matondo to evaluate progress, leading to the signature of 14 partnership agreements with the project beneficiaries, including our subsidiary IFO managing the Ngombé Forest Management Unit, as reported on by TEREA.

African Parks is a non-profit conservation organisation that manages Odzala-Kokoua national park, in partnership with the government and local communities.
Together we train new eco-guards and offer refresher trainings to the rangers operating in our forest concession.

Association Technique Internationale des Bois Tropicaux
Together we:
shape marketing initiatives for tropical timber
lead legality-related initiatives
push for comprehensive anti-corruption and anti-bribery standards
promote and lead the industry-wide discussion on forest conservation and protection
facilitate the discussion and promote comprehensive implementation of the concept of Intact Forest Landscapes (IFL)

Together with the Basel Institute on Governance we work on, implement and verify a strict Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery policy

Business Coalition for Good Governance (BCGG)
Together with BCGG we work on, implement and verify a strict Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery policy
Trade unions, Republic of Congo
CATC, COSYLAC, CSC and CSTC, Trade Unions
Republic of Congo
The unions and employee representatives have monthly meetings with senior management to express concerns and jointly find solutions

Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP)
We have joined 107 partner countries and organizations working together to promote sustainable resource management, improved living conditions and biodiversity protection in the Congo Basin.

Cercle des droits de l'Homme et de développement (CDHD)
Republic of Congo
We hired CDHD Director, Mr Roch Nzobo, to work on and, effectively implement, the principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)

Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
CIFOR provided international expert advice in our Working Group on Forest Fires in Open Marantaceae Forests
We have collaborated on a CIFOR-WWF study on the social impacts of FSC certification in Congo Basin countries

Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)
CIRAD provided international expert advice in our Working Group on Forest Fires in Open Marantaceae Forests

The Netherlands
With Control Union Certifications we are certified for the FSC® and PEFC chain of custody requirements enabling us to maintain the chain of custody to our clients when selling certified products. Control Union’s Timber Legality Verification (TLV) certificate assures us we are applying a solid due diligence approach to avoid sourcing illegally harvested timber based on EUTR and Lacey Act requirements.

Together with other FSC certified companies, Interholco proudly supports 'Fair and Precious', a campaign and a brand based on 10 engagements, aiming to raise awareness on the wide range of benefits of tropical wood that is sustainably produced.

Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®)
Together with the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC® C022952), we:
engage with important global social, environmental and economic constituents on comprehensive implementation of the concept of Intact Forest Landscapes (IFL)
participate in setting leadership standards for good forest management – i.e. social, environmental and economic performance of forest management
participate in a credible certification programme covering 1.16 million hectares of natural tropical forest in the Republic of Congo to verify best practice in our forest management and timber processing operations
We are currently working with FSC on developing more robust Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) standards and implementation

IDH The sustainable trade initiative
The Netherlands
With IDH funding, we conducted a sustainable wildlife management project and provided data for a Life-Cycle Assessment on tropical timber – Azobé

German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
A PhD researcher from iDiv stayed in our production site at IFO in order to conduct research (now published and available online) into a hunter self-monitoring scheme, to test whether it could be used to accurately monitor the state of game species populations and to support sustainable hunting.

The Netherlands
Dutch writer Meindert Brouwer visited IFO in February 2016, to see with his own eyes how the population benefits from our presence. He reports on the experience in this chapter of acclaimed book 'Central African Forests Forever' which is freely available online in Chinese, English and French.

Projet pour la gestion des écosystèmes périphériques au Parc National Odzala-Kokoua (PROGEPP)
Projet pour la gestion des écosystèmes périphériques au Parc National Odzala-Kokoua (PROGEPP)
Republic of Congo
In the framework of PROGEPP (Projet pour la gestion des écosystèmes périphériques au Parc National Odzala-Kokoua, i.e. Project for the management of ecosystems neighbouring the National Odzala-Kokoua Park), we work together with the Ministry of Forest Economy of the Republic of Congo and WCS to protect the natural tropical forest we manage together with its wildlife.
As part of the PROGEPP project, confiscated parrots, a much sought-after source of revenue on illegal markets, are transferred to quarantine facilities built by IFO. WCS veterinarians analyse blood samples and treat diseases. In 2014 alone the number of successfully treated parrots released in the wild exceeded 200

Multi-stakeholder platform
The Natural Capital Coalition is a unique global multi-stakeholder platform bringing together leading initiatives and organizations to harmonise approaches to natural capital. We conducted a case study based on the Natural Capital Protocol to estimate the value, opportunity cost and environmental, social and economic benefits of Sustainable Forest Management in the Congo Basin, as opposed to other land-uses. Our assessment will guide our future monitoring indicators which are integrated in business decision-making.

Pan-African Forest Certification
République du Congo
« 'PAFC is set to help promote sustainable forest management, making it more pragmatic and practical, thanks to its development respecting the local context' explains Mr. Brice Séverin Pongui, Chairman of PAFC-Congo. Developed together with national and international experts and NGOs, the regional PAFC system substituted the national systems once in place in Gabon and Cameroon and is the first for Congo.

Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)
PEFC is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) through independent third-party certification. In 2024, we acquired PEFC's Congo Basin standard also known as Pan-African Forest Certification (PAFC) that we took an active role in developing in a concerted effort with a wide range of diverse stakeholders.

European Coalition for Sustainable Tropical Timber (STTC)
The Netherlands
We work with the European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC) on promoting sustainable tropical timber on the European market.

swisspeace developed together with us a Conflict Sensitivity Manual, to help us avoid social challenges before they escalate to conflict.
Thomas Weidenbach,
Thomas Weidenbach
In 2011, independent journalist, film director and former NGO activist Thomas Weidenbach set out on a journey to the North of the Republic of Congo. He produced a documentary of sustainable forest practices implemented by IFO.

Gembloux Agro-Bio-Tech (Université de Liège)
The Gembloux Agro-Bio-Tech (University of Liège) provided international expert advice in our Working Group on Forest Fires in Open Marantaceae Forests

The University of Maryland provided international expert advice in our Working Group on Forest Fires in Open Marantaceae Forests

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
WCS conducted a comprehensive survey on wildlife conservation to helps us implement necessary safeguards and conservation measures
WCS provided international expert advice in our Working Group on Forest Fires in Open Marantaceae Forests

World Resources Institute (WRI)
WRI provided international expert advice in our Working Group on Forest Fires in Open Marantaceae Forests

World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF)
We are a proud participant in ‘Forests Forward’, WWF´s performance-driven impact programme that catalyzes actions to address global forest threats. This includes biodiversity protection, exploring ecosystem services maintenance ensuring respect for the rights and needs of Indigenous People and Local Communities (IPLCs) within our concession in the Republic of Congo, as well as working to reduce poaching and agricultural encroachment and improving local communities' livelihoods.
We have collaborated on a CIFOR-WWF study on the social impacts of FSC certification in Congo Basin countries
WWF provided international expert advice in our Working Group on Forest Fires in Open Marantaceae Forests